Earlier today, National Geographic announced the launch of its new Global Exploration Fund. The initiative is designed to research funding for conservation and exploration efforts in regional centers around the planet. The first of those regional programs will be in Stockholm, Sweden, where an advisory board consisting of a group of explorers and scientists will review projects to receive possible funding.
The new Stockholm office will be led by Executive Director Stefan Nerpin, who, along with his team, will serve as the primary point of contact for receiving grant applications. Those applications are currently being accepted from the 14 regional countries that are eligible. Those countries include: Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
In a press release sent out this morning, Nerpin is quoted as saying "I am excited to be part of this effort and hope to establish this National Geographic office as a significant source of funding for Northern European scientists and explorers." He goes on to add "It is also our goal to find additional sources of income, so that we can continue to grow this program to support even more explorers in the field."
The plan is to open more of these regional centers over time, providing grants to other researchers and explorers in other countries that might otherwise have a difficult time raising funds.
For more information on the program and to find out how to apply, click here.